Matz on Ruby
Handbrake 0.9.2 released
Only runs on Leopard, and download it from http://handbrake.fr.
iJailbreak 0.5.2
This release can jailbreak an iPhone running 1.1.3 directly, no more having to install a helper package onto an already jailbroken 1.1.2. It's available from http://code.google.com/p/ijailbreak/downloads/list, and you can read more details from the developers at http://ijailbreak.com/. There is currently no iPod touch support in iJailbreak.
I got to climb inside a tokamak...
I'd driven down with a group of coworkers rather than suffer through the airport experience, and it turns out Pete and Ian knew someone at UCLA who got us a tour of the Energy Science Lab's Electric Tokamak. We got to climb inside since it's in the middle of being renovated, and here are my pics.
200 tons of steel torus, and another hundred tons of magnets
Here's a shot of the entrance to the torus
Me about to climb inside.
Me inside, looking out.
A shot of the inside of the torus
To give some perspective of the size, here's a shot of Pete and Chris inside.
Me inside, with our guide Russell to my right.
Me in front of one of the 5 Farad capacitor banks.
They have two banks like this and each of the blue cylinders is a 1500 microfarad cap.
Me in front of a linear accelerator in the basement.
The accelerators and tokamak need their own substation - each of the big blue boxes here is 1 megawatt.
Here's a pic of the small accelerator.
This one was running, here's the video
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Copyright 2007-2010, Joseph P. Block, Some Rights Reserved.