I was going through airport security in San Jose on my way to visit family in Chicago and TSA had to hand check my bag because I had forgotten there was a leatherman in it. Once they spotted my "contraband", they insisted on unpacking the bag instead of letting me do it. The next day, I took the lens cap off to shoot a picture of my niece, and the whole front assembly fell off into my hand.
I only started using a DSLR a few months ago, and on the recommendation of a coworker at Google, the 50mm f1.8 was the first lens I bought besides the kit lens that came with the XSi body.
I loved this lens - nice and sharp, much faster than the kit lens, nice color, nice and light. I ended up using it far more than my other two lenses.
Here's a shot I took of Xan McCurdy with it at the Cake concert at WWDC -

Not bad for a $90 lens
Ended up deciding to replace it with the Canon EF 50mm f1.4,
More Cake shots:
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